Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"That's New York City for ya" continues...

I applied in May for summer school. I'm a poor teacher in a crumbling middle class. I needed to work summer school. Here, on June 28, the last day of school, I still haven't heard whether I am or not working summer school. I was told by other teachers that I would have definitely heard by now, so its pretty much out for me and summer school. I can hear dad bashing the city and how poorly its run now...

But NYC giveth and NYC taketh away... but sometimes the opposite happens. My Assistant Principal, feeling sorry for my poor self, gave me the number of a principal of a new program... he said, they are "DESPERATE FOR PEOPLE." He used the word "desperate." I gave the guy a call and will know TONIGHT whether I have to attend a workshop for this program TOMORROW. Nothing like knowing THE DAY BEFORE something starts whether you have a job or not.

I would normally be livid at this, but the potential program that I will be working for is thus: Monday thru Thursday instead of the normal Monday thru Friday. 8:30 to Noon rather than 8 to 1. Oh, and the students? According to my hopefully soon to be boss, the BEST middle school kids who want extra help instead of the kids who failed and are cranky that they are in summer school.

So I guess the quote, "That's New York City for ya..." can sometimes work in my favor. Not often though, just sometimes.

1 comment:

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