Saturday, July 09, 2005

Another one bites the dust

Here's an example of New York City at its finest.

A NYC Social Studies teacher who resigned because he got in trouble for taking 11 days off to be a professional wrestler. He says, "I would have been better off beating a kid, because those teachers always seem to keep their jobs."

To clarify... if you ever do something "wrong," like say... hit or touch a kid inappropriately... they send you to the "rubber room" in the Regional Office. In this "rubber" room, which is not rubber obviously, but really just a waiting room, you sit and do nothing and get paid. People read, do crossword puzzles, etc. But they are still collecting their checks. Here's a New York Times article that gives the details of the dreaded "rubber room."

But about the wrestling guy? I can see their problem with him using sick days for personal gain, but give him a slap on the wrist. He's a teacher... and it seems the kids like him. If he can connect with them on wrestling, why not?

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