Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Not Enough Time

So today was the last day of class. We have testing next week and our last official day is June 28.
Damn that's like 3 weeks away.

So I gave my kids the little "we had a great year" speech, they didn't really feel like hearing it. But it's still my class, so tough shit.

I thanked my freshmen. I know they were bummed to have their teacher leave at the end of the year, but I think we made the best of it.

I thanked my sophomores. I've made the statement that kids don't become human again until the 11th grade. And I believe that's true. The odd thing, today, I saw my sophomores becoming human right before my eyes. They were mellow, they were polite. Even though it was the last day of class, they were appropriate. I am excited to see the adults they will become.

I thanked my seniors. I told them, this was the class I look forward to every day. Aside from being my last class of the day, these guys were just the best. Friendly, funny, polite, not obnoxious... they were a joy to work with. They knew they were out of there, so they did everything they needed to do to get out. But they GOT IT. They knew life is a game, and they are willing to play. I know they will do well.

The big difference betweeen this year and last year is that last year, I was done by the end of May. The end couldn't come fast enough. It was torture, I had to keep handing out busywork to stretch the time.

This year, I didn't have ENOUGH time. The kids had a weird day off last week and we had a "training day." Normally I'm all about having an adult day - a day without kids. But this time I thought, "God, I could be doing more with my kids to prepare them for their exams."

I'm looking forward to the summer.

I'm looking forward to next year.

I'm looking forward to a summer with my peers and relaxing and without kids...

But... at the same time... I will miss them all.

1 comment:

Jameil said...

awww! ain't that sweet?! :) lol